Journals Supporting the Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The Editors-in-Chief of the journals below pledged to support the Diversity and Inclusion Statement:
- Advances in Communication and Swallowing
- AI Communications
- Applied Ontology
- Argument and Computation
- Biorheology
- Bladder Cancer
- Brain Plasticity
- Breast Disease
- Bridge Structures
- Cancer Biomarkers
- Data Science
- Education for Information
- Environmental Policy and Law
- Fundamenta Informaticae
- Human Antibodies
- Human Systems Management
- Information Polity
- Intelligent Data Analysis
- Intelligent Decision Technologies
- International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
- International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications
- International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine
- International Shipbuilding Progress
- Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
- Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
- Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
- Journal of Berry Research
- Journal of Computer Security
- Journal of High Speed Networks
- Journal of Huntington's Disease
- Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science
- Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
- Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases
- Journal of Neutron Research
- Journal of Parkinson's Disease
- Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
- Journal of Smart Cities and Society
- Journal of Vestibular Research
- Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
- Kidney Cancer
- Main Group Chemistry
- Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
- NeuroRehabilitation
- Semantic Web
- Statistical Journal of the IAOS
- Technology and Disability
- Technology and Health Care
- Translational Science of Rare Diseases
- Tumor Biology
- Web Intelligence
- Work