Call for Papers: a special issue by the CRTc on Resistant Knowledges. Also read our previous special issue published on Critical Race Theory, as well as Prof. Ibekwe's commentary.
Aims & Scope
Education for Information: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Studies is a peer-reviewed, international journal publishing fundamental and applied research in the interdisciplinary field of the information studies. It invites submissions of research papers, of professional practices, conservations and debates from scholars and practitioners from the information fields (iFields). Topics of interest include but are not limited to education, pedagogy and learning in the iFields; information seeking and use; information policy and ethics; information retrieval; digital humanities; documentation theory and practice; data science; gender studies in the iFields, etc. The journal welcomes broad methodological approaches to these topics, including empirical quantitative or qualitative studies as well as reflexive, hermeneutical and other conceptual approaches. The journal also welcomes historical and foundational research in the iFields, including works that bridge the iFields with other fields, such as science and technology studies or the philosophy of technology, Philosophy, Media Studies.
Founded in 1983, Education for Information provides a link between scholarly research, teaching and professional practices in the Information Fields (iFields). Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Studies publishes full-length articles, comprehensive literature reviews, commentaries, conversations and scholarly debates, funded innovative research protocols, short communications and book reviews. Its News section reports on significant activities and events in the international arena.
Editorial Board
Fidelia Ibekwe
School of Journalism & Communication
Aix-Marseille University
21, Virgile Marron street CS80071
13392 Marseille Cedex 05, France
Former Editors
J. Behesti
D. Hartley
J.A. Large (Founding Editor)
F. Guy (Founding Editor)
Editorial Board
Isola Ajiferuke
Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario
London, Canada
Tatjana Apara-Jelusic
Emerita, Department of Information Studies, University of Zadar
Zadar, Croatia
Renate Chancellor
School of Information Studies at Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY, USA
Dr Alice Corble
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex
Sussex, UK
Keren Dali
Research Methods and Information Science Department
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Colorado, USA
Anthony W. Dunbar
Sociology Department, Lewis University
Romeoville, IL, USA
Koraljka Golub
Department of Library and Information Science, Linnaeus University
Vaxjo, Sweden
Tim Gorichanaz (News Editor)
Department of Information Science, Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Vera Granikov
School of Information Studies, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Tamara Heck
Information Center for Education, DIPF Frankfurt
Frankfurt, Germany
Isto Huvila
Department of Archives, Libraries and Museums, Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Shari Lee
Division of Library and Information Science, St. John's University
New York City, NY, USA
Dirk Lewandowski
Department of Information, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Hamburg, Germany
Chang Liu
Department of Information Management, Peking University
Beijing, China
Ying-Hsang Liu
Department of ALM (Archival, Library, Information & Museum Studies), Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Thomas Mandl
Professor of Information Science, University of Hildesheim
Hildesheim, Germany
Daniel Martinez-Avila (Metrics Editor)
Deptartment of Library Science & Documentation, University Carlos III
Madrid, Spain
Claire McGuinness
School of Information and Communication Studies, University College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Bhuva Narayan
School of Communication, University of Technology
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tami Oliphant
School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
Dr Yaz Osho
Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation (CETI), University of Westminster
Wesminster, UK
Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez
Department of Library and Information Science, Digital Information Visualisation and Analytics Lab
Madrid, Spain
Fernanda Ribeiro
Department of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
Will Senn
Department of Marketing and Computer Information Systems, Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX, USA
Diane Sonnenwald
Emerita, School of Information and Library Studies, University College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Miriam Sweeney
School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Cristóbal Urbano
Department of Library and Information Science and Audiovisual Communication, University of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Julian Warner
Queen’s Management School, Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast, UK
Author Guidelines
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Full-length articles and literature reviews should be between 5000-8000 words of text excluding the references. Commentaries, funded innovative research protocols, short communications and book reviews should be between 1000-1500 words of text excluding references.
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Title page
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- Title (should be clear, descriptive and not too long)
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- Keywords
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Number as Table 1, Table 2 etc, and refer to all of them in the text.
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Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Standard abbreviations of units of measurement should be added between parentheses.
Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Leave some extra space between the columns instead.
Any explanations essential to the understanding of the table should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the table.
Authors are requested to use the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style.
APA in-text citations should include the author's last name followed by the year of publication. All publications cited in the text should be presented in an alphabetical list of references at the end of the manuscript. Submitted articles can be listed as (author(s), unpublished data). See their website for more information. Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references. Manuscripts will not be considered if they do not conform to the APA citation guidelines.
References must be listed alphabetically in APA style:
Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective influences on the attentional dynamics supporting awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, 258-281.
Anderson, A. K., Christoff, K., Panitz, D., De Rosa, E., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2003). Neural correlates of the automatic processing of threat facial signals. Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 5627-5633.
Armony, J. L., & Dolan, R. J. (2002). Modulation of spatial attention by fear-conditioned stimuli: An event-related fMRI study.Neuropsychologia, 40, 817-826.
Beck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, R. A. (1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: Psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56,893-897.
Calvo, M. G., & Lang, P. J. (2004). Gaze patterns when looking at emotional pictures: Motivationally biased attention. Motivation and Emotion, 28, 221-243.
Carretie, L., Hinojosa, J. A., Martin-Loeches, M., Mecado, F., & Tapia, M. (2004). Automatic attention to emotional stimuli: Neural correlates.Human Brain Mapping, 22, 290-299.
Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it is possible to incorporate the information in the text.
- If used, they should be numbered in the text, indicated by superscript numbers and kept as short as possible.
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Education for Information operates a rigorous, timely, double - blind peer review process Manuscripts submitted to Education for Information will be assessed for suitability for publication in the journal by the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts that are deemed unsuitable may be rejected without peer review. Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for peer review are sent to appropriate anonymous referees (a minimum of two) for confidential review. Referee reports are then assessed by the Editor-in-Chief, who will send a decision letter to the author along with the anonymized referee reports. Please visit our reviewer guidelines for further information about how to conduct a review.
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Sustainable Development Goals
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Visit the SDG page for more information.
Supporting Diversity and Inclusion
This journal supports IOS Press' actions relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and commits to the Diversity and Inclusion Statement.
More information will be available in due course. Check the SDGs page for updates.
Special Issue on Critical Race Theory
Education and Information proudly supports several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Aligning with the journal’s goals to support just, peaceful and inclusive societies, it publishes a series on "Race Relations in LIS" (Vol.37, Iss.2 and Vol.38, Iss.4).
Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Prof. Fidelia Ibekwe, has written a commentary on Vol.38, Iss.4, a special issue on Critical Race Theory. You can read the commentary here.