Aims & Scope
Web Intelligence (WI) is now a cutting-edge area which addresses open issues towards deepening the understanding of all Web’s entities, phenomena, and developments in utilizing the power of human brains and man-made networks to create a better world. More specifically, the fields of how artificial intelligence is impacting the Web of People, the Web of Data, the Web of Things, the Web of Trust, the Web of Agents, the Web in industry, society, health and smart living, and the Web of Everything. Therefore, “Web Intelligence = AI in the Connected World”.
- Cognitive Modeling and Computing
- Conversational Search and Dialog Systems
- Crowdsourcing and Social Computing
- Human Centric Computing and Services
- Human Creativity and Decision-making Support
- Human-level Collective Intelligence
- Human-machine Co-intelligence in the Connected World
- Information Diffusion Modeling and Analysis
- Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
- Recommendation Systems
- Situation and Personality Awareness
- Social Media and Social Networks
- User and Behavioural Modelling
- Wisdom Services
- Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC)
- Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning
- Big Data and Human Brain Complex Systems
- Cognitive Models and Computational Models
- Data Driven Services and Applications
- Data Integration and Data Provenance
- Data-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy
- Data Science and Machine Learning
- Few-shot Learning and Transfer Learning
- Graph Isomorphism and Graph Theory
- Information Search and Retrieval
- Knowledge Graph and Semantic Networks
- Linked Data Management and Analytics
- Multimodal Data Fusion
- Pre-trained Language Models and Applications
- Representation Learning
- Distributed Systems and Devices
- Dynamics of Networks
- Industrial Multi-domain Web
- Intelligent Ubiquitous Web of Things
- IoT Data Analytics
- Location and Time Awareness
- Open Autonomous Systems
- Sensor Networks
- Streaming Data Analysis
- Web Infrastructures and Devices Mobile Web
- Wisdom Web of Things
- Blockchain Analytics and Technologies
- De-Platforming and No-platforming
- Decentralization of Internet
- Fake Content and Fraud Detection
- Hidden Web Analytics
- Monetization Services and Applications
- Trust Models for Agents
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Web Cryptography
- Web Safety and Openness
- Web-scale Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust
- Agent Networks and Multi-Agent Systems
- Autonomy Remembrance Agents
- Autonomy-oriented Computing
- Behaviour Modelling and Individual-based Modelling
- Chatbot and Personal Assistants
- Computational Social Science
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Distributed Problem-Solving and Reasoning
- Edge Computing and Cloud Computing
- Local-global Behavioural Interactions
- Mechanism Design
- Network Autonomy Remembrance Agents
- Self-adaptive and Self-organizing Evolutionary Systems
- Social-cyber-physical Systems
- Symbols-Meaning-Value Space
Web in Industry, Society, Health and Smart Living, and the Web of Everything
- AIGC in Industry, Finance, Culture, Tourism, Education and Healthcare
- Data Brain, City Brain and Global Brain
- Data-driven Service Industry
- Data-driven Innovative Service-oriented Society
- Digital Ecosystems and Digital Epidemiology
- Digital Transformation and Digital Twin
- Generative AI and the Web of Everything
- Human-machine Symbiosis in a Connected World
- Web3, Metaverse and Smart Living
- Wellbeing and Healthcare in the 5G Era
- Fairness, Accountability and Transparency
- Explainability and Interpretability
Editorial Board
Xiaohui Tao
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing
University of Southern Queensland
Managing Editor
Hongzhi Kuai
Faculty of Engineering
Maebashi Institute of Technology
Assisting Managing Editor
Thanveer Shaik
School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing
University of Southern Queensland
Founding Editors-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Jiming Liu
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong
Prof. Dr. Ning Zhong
Maebashi Institute of Technology
Advisory Board
Ning Zhong (Co-chair)
Maebashi Institute of Technology
Jiming Liu (Co-chair)
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong
Francis Heylighen
Free University of Brussels
Yuefeng Li
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Queensland University of Technology
Vijay Raghavan
University of Louisiana
Amit Sheth
Artificial Intelligence Institute
University of South Carolina
Athena Vakali
Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Yiyu Yao
University of Regina
Editorial Board
Rajendra Akerkar
Western Norway Research Institute
Hong Chang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yu-Wang Chen
The University of Manchester
William K. Cheung
Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong
Joseph Davis
University of Sydney
Xiaoying Gao
Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand
Yang Gao
Beijing Institute of Technology
Ali Ghorbani
University of New Brunswick
Martin Giese
University of Oslo
Zhisheng Huang
Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Xiaolong Jin
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Matthias Klusch
Hoong Chuin Lau
Singapore Management University
Raymond Yiu Keung Lau
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Carson K Leung
University of Manitoba
Lin Li
Wuhan University of Technology
Shou-De Lin
National Taiwan University
Yu-Ru Lin
University of Pittsburgh
Pierre Maret
University Jean Monnet Saint Etienne
Guy Melancon
Université de Bordeaux
Marina Mongiello
Politecnico di Bari
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen
Wroclaw University of Technology
Gabriella Pasi
University of Milano-Bicocca
Heiko Paulheim
University of Mannheim
Hemant Purohit
George Mason University
Yuhui Shi
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Miguel-Angel Sicilia
University of Alcala
Atsuhiro Takasu
National Institute of Informatics
Ah-Hwee Tan
Nanyang Technological University
Pang-Ning Tan
Michigan State University
Laurent Vercouter
Institut National de Sciences Appliquées de Rouen
Sheng-Tang Wu
Asia University
Xiao-Feng Xie
Carnegie Mellon University
Yue Xu
Queensland University of Technology
Bo Yang
Jilin University
Wenping Zhang
Renmin University of China, Beijing
Yanqing Zhang
Georgia State University
Xujuan Zhou
University of Southern Queensland
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Web Intelligence is a peer-reviewed journal. All articles submitted to the journal undergo a single blind peer review process. This means that the identity of the authors is known with the reviewers but the identity of the reviewers is not communicated to the authors. Please visit our reviewer guidelines for further information about how to conduct a review.
After automatic plagiarism screening through iThenticate, all submitted manuscripts are subjected to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief and, if found suitable for further consideration, to rigorous peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Reasons to reject a paper in the pre-screening process could for example be because the work does not fall within the aims and scope, the writing is of poor quality, the instructions to authors were not followed or the presented work is not novel. Important: all articles not created using the journal style templates for LaTeX or MS Word (see author instructions) are desk rejected.
Papers deemed suitable to be reviewed will be assigned a handling editor. The handling editor will then invite reviewers to comment on the work. Typically decisions are based on three reviews, in some circumstances a minimum of two reviews may be deemed sufficient to make a decision on a paper. The Editors-in-Chief strive to ensure a typical turnaround time of 3 months.
Reviewers are asked to judge a paper on at least:
- Originality, novelty and significance of results
- Technical quality of work
- Comprehensibility and presentation of the paper
- Overall impression
Based on the received reviews the handling editor will propose to the Editors-in-Chief a recommendation:
- Accept
- Minor revisions required
- Major revisions required
- Revise and resubmit
- Reject
They mean the following:
- Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication and only requires minor polishing; thus, no further reviews are requested.
- Minor revisions required: The authors are required to make moderate changes to their manuscript. The manuscript becomes acceptable for publication if the changes proposed by the reviewers and editors are successfully addressed. The revised manuscript will be examined by the Editors-in-Chief and possibly sent back to all (or a selection of) reviewers for a second round of reviews. Authors are requested to provide a letter to the reviewers detailing the improvements made for the resubmission.
- Major revisions required: The manuscript cannot be accepted for publication in its current form. However, a major revision which addresses all issues raised by the reviewers may be acceptable for publication. The revised manuscript will undergo a full second round of review. Authors are requested to provide a letter to the reviewers detailing the improvements made for the resubmission.
- Revise and resubmit: In its current form, the manuscript is not suitable for publication. A resubmission would require substantial revisions and is only encouraged in special cases.
- Reject: The manuscript is rejected as it is deemed to be out of scope, not relevant, or not meeting the journal's quality standards in terms of significance, novelty, and/or presentation.
Authors are notified by the Editors-in-Chief, whose decision is final.
Formerly Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (ISSN print 1570-1263, ISSN online 1875-9289).
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