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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-64368-314-0ISBN online
- Order Book
- Print Book
- Ebook
Recent developments in parallel computing for various fields of application are providing improved solutions for handling data. These newer, innovative ideas offer the technical support necessary to enhance intellectual decisions, while also dealing more efficiently with the huge volumes of data currently involved.
This book presents the proceedings of ICAPTA 2022, the International Conference on Advances in Parallel Computing Technologies and Applications, hosted as a virtual conference from Bangalore, India, on 27 and 28 January 2022. The aim of the conference was to provide a forum for the sharing of knowledge about various aspects of parallel computing in communications systems and networking, including cloud and virtualization solutions, management technologies and vertical application areas. The conference also provided a premier platform for scientists, researchers, practitioners and academicians to present and discuss their most recent innovations, trends and concerns, as well as the practical challenges encountered in this field. More than 300 submissions were received for the conference, from which the 91 full-length papers presented here were accepted after review by a panel of subject experts. Topics covered include parallel computing in communication, machine learning intelligence for parallel computing and parallel computing for software services in theoretical and practical aspects.
Providing an overview of recent developments in the field, the book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the use of parallel computing technologies.