We are happy to present an overview of IOS Press' books that were most read in February 2024. Below you can find a top 5 ebooks and a top 5 print books.
Cleveland, USA – New Cleveland Clinic-led research points to sildenafil (Viagra) as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The study provides evidence...
Charleston, USA - Medical University of South Carolina researchers report in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease that worsened anxiety, depression and other...
Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Although the European Union (EU) provides strategic leadership to reduce gender inequalities through directives, policy and funding...
Uppsala, Sweden - People who have had the herpes virus at some point in their lives are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to those who have never...
Amsterdam, the Netherlands – A narrative review article in a themed issue on disorders of consciousness (DoC) guest edited by Dr. Caroline Schnakers and Dr...
Providence, RI, USA — Agent Orange, an herbicide used during the Vietnam War, is a known toxin with wide-ranging health effects. Even though Agent Orange has...
Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Successful employer-driven disability initiatives share certain characteristics, even when the companies and programs differ in...
We are happy to present an overview of IOS Press' books that were most read in January 2024. Below you can find a top 5 ebooks and a top 5 print books.
Los Angeles, CA, USA - You might think age-related dementia has been with us all along, stretching back to the ancient world. But a new analysis of classical...