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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-64368-146-7ISBN online
- Order Book
- Print Book
- Ebook
Knowledge-intensive product realization implies embedded intelligence; meaning that if both theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of a subject is integrated into the design and production processes of products, this will significantly increase added value.
This book presents papers accepted for the 9th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2020), hosted by the School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden, and held online on 7 & 8 October 2020 because of restrictions due to the Corona virus pandemic. The subtitle of the conference was Knowledge Intensive Product Realization in Co-Operation for Future Sustainable Competitiveness. The book contains the 57 papers accepted for presentation at the conference, and these are divided into nine sections which reflect the topics covered: resource efficient production; flexible production; virtual production development; humans in production systems; circular production systems and maintenance; integrated product and production development; advanced and optimized components, materials and manufacturing; digitalization for smart products and services; and responsive and efficient operations and supply chains.
In addition, the book presents five special sessions from the symposium: development of changeable and reconfigurable production systems; smart production system design and development; supply chain relocation; management of manufacturing digitalization; and additive manufacturing in the production system.
The book will be of interest to all those working in the field of knowledge-intensive product realization.