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Automation has been ubiquitous in our lives for many years now, but advances in artificial intelligence have added a new dimension to control systems, and innovative developments are constantly emerging.
This book presents the proceedings of MEAAC2024, the 2nd International Conference on Mechanics, Electronics, Automation and Automatic Control, held from 15 - 17 June 2024 in Ordos, China. The MEAAC conference series focuses on research and application challenges, and is dedicated to the promotion of academic exchange within and across disciplines, as well as to addressing theoretical and practical challenges and advancing current understanding and application. It also aims to establish connections and enable future collaboration. MEAAC2024 hosted around 100 attendees from home and abroad. A total of 61 papers were submitted for the conference, and an initial selection process resulted in 43 papers being sent for peer review, after which 34 papers were ultimately selected for presentation and publication, an acceptance rate of 56%. The book is divided into 3 sections: electrical engineering (6 papers), control engineering (8 papers), and mechanical engineering (20 papers). Topics covered include machinery manufacturing and measurement, mechatronics, electric power systems, and computers and artificial intelligence in control.
Providing an up to date overview of current developments, the book will be of interest to all those working in the fields of mechanics, electronics, automation and automatic control.
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