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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field of computer science which integrates multiple disciplines such as computer science, psychology, and philosophy. It is a technology that develops theories, methods, technologies, and application systems to simulate, extend, and expand human intelligence by attempting to understand its essence, producing a new, intelligent machine that can respond in a way similar to human intelligence. Artificial intelligence now plays an increasingly important role in the development of global industries and economies, and as such is currently changing our world significantly, making AI research a hot topic worldwide.
This book presents the proceedings of ICICTA 2023, the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Computing Technology and Automation, held on 24-25 October 2023 in Xi’an, China. The conference is an annual forum dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in AI and its applications, and its aim is to bring together an international community of researchers and practitioners in the field of AI to share the latest research achievements, discuss recent advances influence future direction, and promote the diffusion of the discipline throughout the scientific community at large. A total of 322 submissions were received for ICICTA 2023, and each paper received at least 2 review reports in a rigorous peer-review procedure. Based on these reports, 141 papers were ultimately accepted and are included in this book.
The book offers a current overview of developments in AI technology, and will be of interest to all those working in the field.
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