Amsterdam, the Netherlands – IOS Press, an independent international publishing house producing peer-reviewed content covering science, technology, and medicine, is proud to announce that the number of its journals with Journal Impact Factors™ (JIFs) has more than doubled according to the new Journal Citation Reports™ (Clarivate, 2023). This is a strong indicator of both the journals’ quality and impact within the disciplines in which they publish.
More than 75% of the total IOS Press journal portfolio now have JIFs. Because of the recently instituted policy of assigning JIFs to journals covered in Clarivate’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), part of the Web of Science Core Collection, IOS Press now has 61 journals with this metric, compared to 29 in 2022.
Two flagship biomedical journals covered in SCIE have clearly demonstrated their strong positions in the Neurosciences category over time. Placed in the second quartile this year, the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has a 5-year JIF of 4.9 with close to 36,500 total citations. The Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, ranked within the first quartile, has a 5-year JIF of 6.1 with nearly 5,500 total citations.
Journals in the IOS Press computer science portfolio continue to achieve solid JIF increases. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering’s new JIF of 6.5 represents a rise of 5.9%, and it remains in the first quartile in the highly competitive Engineering – Multidisciplinary and Computer Science – Interdisciplinary Applications subject categories. The ICGA Journal, the official journal of the International Computer Games Association, experienced an 81.8% increase of its JIF.
IOS Press expresses its sincere gratitude to its publishing community of editors, reviewers, and authors for their dedication and valued and continuing contributions to the success of these journals. Journal Impact Factors remain one of the most widely accepted indicators of journal quality and impact.
Source: Journal Citation Reports™ 2023 from Clarivate™
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About IOS Press
IOS Press is an independent international scientific, technical, medical (STM) publishing house established in 1987 in Amsterdam. We produce around 90 journals and 70 books annually in a broad range of subject categories, primarily specializing in health and life sciences (including neurosciences, medical informatics, cancer research, and rehabilitation) and computer sciences (including artificial intelligence, data science, and semantic web). In addition, we offer specialized services that support scientific advancement.