Aims & Scope
The ICGA Journal provides an international forum for computer games researchers presenting new results on ongoing work. The editors invite contributors to submit papers on all aspects of research related to computers and games. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
(1) the current state of game-playing programs for board games, card games, and puzzles,
(2) the current state of virtual, casual, and video games,
(3) new theoretical developments in game-related research,
(4) theoretical and practical work on the design of games and puzzles, and
(5) general scientific contributions produced by the study of games.
Also welcome is research on topics such as:
(6) social aspects of computer games,
(7) cognitive research of how humans play games,
(8) capture and analysis of game data, and
(9) issues related to networked games are invited to submit their contributions.
Editorial Board
Prof. M. Winands
Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, Maastricht University
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Prof. I.-C. Wu
Department of Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Prof. T. Cazenave
Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University
Honorary Editor
Prof. dr. H.J. van den Herik
Mathematical Institute
Leiden University
The Netherlands
Editor for ICGA affairs
Dr. W. Kosters
Department of Computer Science (LIACS)
Leiden University
The Netherlands
Editorial Board
Jon Edwards
32nd World Correspondence Chess Champion
Dr. Aviezri S. Fraenkel
Weizmann Institute of Science
Dr. Michael Hartisch
University of Siegen
Prof. Dr. Tsan-Sheng Hsu
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Dr. Chu-Hsuan Hsueh
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Iida
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Dr. Akihiro Kishimoto
IBM Research
Dr. Éric Piette
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer
University of Alberta
Dr. Matthew Stephenson
Flinders University
Dr. Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
University of Tokyo
Ting-Han Wei
Kochi University of Technology
Author Guidelines
Submission of manuscripts
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Peer Review Process and Process for Appeals
The ICGA Journal operates a rigorous, timely, blinded peer review process (with an option for double-blind if requested) by experts in the field. Manuscripts submitted to the ICGA Journal will be assessed for suitability for publication in the journal by the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts that are deemed unsuitable may be rejected without peer review by the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Associate Editors, and the author will be informed as soon as possible. Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for peer review are forwarded to an Associate Editor with expertise in that area who then recruits appropriate anonymous referees (a minimum of two) for confidential review. Referee reports are then assessed by the Associate Editor, who makes a decision which is then subject to approval of the Editors-in-Chief. Once approved this decision is then conveyed to the author along with the referee’s anonymized reports. The initial decision will be one of the following: rejection, acceptance without revision, or potentially acceptable after minor or major revisions. Revised manuscripts will be appraised by the Associate Editor, who may seek the opinion of referees (prior or new) before making a decision, which again is subject to approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Once approved, this decision is then conveyed to the author along with the anonymized referee’s reports. Once accepted, manuscripts are normally published on-line without delay and appear in the next available print issue (published quarterly). The Editor-in-Chief has ultimate responsibility for what is published in the journal. Authors may appeal decisions by contacting the Editor-in-Chief (at Authors will be informed in writing of the result of their appeal.
Publication Fee
The ICGA Journal does not charge a publication fee.
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It is possible to have figures printed in colour, provided the cost of their reproduction is paid for by the author. See Preparation of Manuscripts for the required file formats.
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Organization of the paper and style of presentation
Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are advised to consult a professional English language editing service or a native English speaker prior to submission.
Manuscripts should be prepared with wide margins and double spacing throughout, including the abstract, footnotes and references. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered. However, in the text no reference should be made to page numbers; if necessary, one may refer to sections. Try to avoid the excessive use of italics and bold face.
Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
- Title page
- Body of text (divided by subheadings)
- Acknowledgements
- References
- Tables
- Figure captions
- Figures Headings and subheadings should be numbered and typed on a separate line, without indentation. SI units should be used, i.e., the units based on the metre, kilogramme, second, etc.
Title page
The title page should provide the following information:
- Title (should be clear, descriptive and not too long)
- Name(s) of author(s); please indicate who is the corresponding author
- Full affiliation(s)
- Present address of author(s), if different from affiliation
- Complete address of corresponding author, including tel. no., fax no. and e-mail address
- Abstract; should be clear, descriptive, self-explanatory and not longer than 200 words, it should also be suitable for publication in abstracting services
- Keywords.
Author contributions
IOS Press has adopted Sage’s Authorship Policy. Please go to: Authorship guidelines | SAGE Publications Ltd for details.
Number as Table 1, Table 2 etc, and refer to all of them in the text. All tables should be contained within the manuscript itself, and embedded in the text. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Standard abbreviations of units of measurement should be added between parentheses. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Leave some extra space between the columns instead. Any explanations essential to the understanding of the table should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the table.
Number figures as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc and refer to all of them in the text. All figures and other graphics should be contained within the manuscript itself, and embedded in the text. Colour figures can be included, provided the cost of their reproduction is paid for by the author. For the file formats of the figures please take the following into account: - line art should be have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi, save as EPS or TIFF - grayscales (incl photos) should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (no lettering), or 500 dpi (when there is lettering); save as tiff - do not save figures as JPEG, this format may lose information in the process - do not use figures taken from the Internet, the resolution will be too low for printing - do not use colour in your figures if they are to be printed in black & white, as this will reduce the print quality (note that in software often the default is colour, you should change the settings) - for figures that should be printed in colour, please send a CMYK encoded EPS or TIFF Figures should be designed with the format of the page of the journal in mind. They should be of such a size as to allow a reduction of 50%. On maps and other figures where a scale is needed, use bar scales rather than numerical ones, i.e., do not use scales of the type 1:10,000. This avoids problems if the figures need to be reduced. Each figure should have a self-explanatory caption. The captions to all figures should be typed on a separate sheet of the manuscript. Photographs are only acceptable if they have good contrast and intensity.
Authors are requested to use the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style. APA in-text citations should include the author's last name followed by the year of publication. All publications cited in the text should be presented in an alphabetical list of references at the end of the manuscript. Submitted articles can be listed as (author(s), unpublished data). See their website for more information. Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references. Manuscripts will not be considered if they do not conform to the APA citation guidelines.
References must be listed alphabetically in APA style:
Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective influences on the attentional dynamics supporting awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, 258–281.
Anderson, A. K., Christoff, K., Panitz, D., De Rosa, E., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2003). Neural correlates of the automatic processing of threat facial signals. Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 5627–5633.
Armony, J. L., & Dolan, R. J. (2002). Modulation of spatial attention by fear-conditioned stimuli: An event-related fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 40, 817–826.
Beck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, R. A. (1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: Psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56,893–897.
Calvo, M. G., & Lang, P. J. (2004). Gaze patterns when looking at emotional pictures: Motivationally biased attention. Motivation and Emotion, 28, 221–243.
Carretie, L., Hinojosa, J. A., Martin-Loeches, M., Mecado, F., & Tapia, M. (2004). Automatic attention to emotional stimuli: Neural correlates. Human Brain Mapping, 22, 290–299.
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Peer Review
ICGA Journal Peer Review Policy
ICGA Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. All articles submitted to the journal undergo a rigorous, timely and single blinded peer review process. This means that the identity of the authors is known with the reviewers but the identity of the reviewers is not communicated to the authors. Upon request authors may be granted a double blinded peer review process, where the identity of the authors is not communicated to the reviewers. Please visit our reviewer guidelines for further information about how to conduct a review.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the acting Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to rigorous peer-review by independent, expert referees. Reasons to reject a paper in the pre-screening process could for example be because the work does not fall within the aims and scope, the writing is of poor quality, the instructions to authors were not followed or the presented work is not novel.
Papers deemed suitable to be reviewed will be assigned a handling editor. The handling editor is an Associate Editor or one of the Editors-in-Chief for the journal, with expertise on the subject matter of the paper. The handling editor will then invite reviewers to comment on the work. Decisions are based on a minimum of two referee reports. The referee reports are then assessed by the handling editor, who makes a decision which is then subject to approval of the acting Editor-in-Chief.
Reviewers are asked to judge a paper on at least:
- Originality, novelty and significance of results
- Technical quality of work
- Comprehensibility and presentation of the paper
- Overall impression
Based on the received reviews the handling editor will propose to the Editors-in-Chief a recommendation:
- Accept
- Minor revisions required
- Major revisions required
- Reject
They mean the following:
- Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication and only requires minor polishing; thus, no further reviews are requested.
- Minor revisions required: The authors are required to make moderate changes to their manuscript. The manuscript becomes acceptable for publication if the changes proposed by the reviewers and editors are successfully addressed. The revised manuscript will be examined by the acting Editor-in-Chief and possibly sent back to all (or a selection of) reviewers for a second round of reviews. Authors are requested to provide a letter to the reviewers detailing the improvements made for the resubmission.
- Major revisions required: The manuscript cannot be accepted for publication in its current form. However, a major revision which addresses all issues raised by the reviewers may be acceptable for publication. The revised manuscript will undergo a full second round of review. Authors are requested to provide a letter to the reviewers detailing the improvements made for the resubmission.
- Reject: The manuscript is rejected as it is deemed to be out of scope, not relevant, or not meeting the journal’s quality standards in terms of significance, novelty, and/or presentation.
Once the first decision is approved by the acting Editor-in-Chief it is then conveyed to the (corresponding) author along with the referee’s anonymized reports. Revised manuscripts will be appraised again by the handling editor, who may seek the opinion of referees (prior or new) before making a decision, Authors are eventually notified of a accept or reject decision by the acting Editor-in-Chief, whose decision is final. The acting Editor-in-Chief has ultimate responsibility for what is published in the journal.
Latest Articles
Discover the contents of the latest journal issue:
Editorial: Many quests
Mark Winands
Los Alamos chess game 2 (after P-K3) is solved; black wins in 21 moves
Roger Sayle
2024 world computer chess championships: The end of an era 1974–2024
Jonathan Schaeffer
Advances in Computer Games (ACG 2023) conference report
Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, Michael Hartisch, Jonathan Schaeffer
ICGA treasure’s report for 2023
Hiroyuki Iida