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978-1-64368-538-0ISBN online
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- Ebook
Applied intelligence, integrated with software, is an essential enabler for science and the new economy, creating new markets and new directions for a more reliable, flexible and robust society and empowering the exploration of our world in ever more depth. The available software, however, often falls short of expectations, with current methodologies, tools, and techniques still neither robust enough nor sufficiently reliable to adequately serve a constantly changing and evolving market.
This proceedings presents 40 papers delivered at SoMeT 24, the 23rd edition of the International Conference on New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodology Tools, and Techniques, held on 24 and 25 September 2024 in Cancun, Mexico. The conference explored new trends and theories, illuminating the direction of developments by discussing issues ranging from research practices to techniques and methodologies and proposing and reporting on the solutions needed for global world business, and this book aims to capture the essence of a new state-of-the-art in software science and its supporting technologies, and to identify the challenges that such technologies will have to master. The 40 papers included here were carefully selected following a thorough review process on the basis of technical soundness, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity, whereby each paper was reviewed by three or four reviewers.
The book brings together the work of scholars from the international research community, and will be of interest to all those working in the field of intelligent software methodology, tools, and techniques.
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