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Human resource management (HRM) has undergone a significant transformation over the years, evolving from a purely administrative function to become a strategic partner in business growth. The concept of disruptive human resource management (DHRM) has emerged in the digital era, blending people, technology, and strategy to reshape organizational landscapes. At the heart of disruptive HRM lies an emphasis on people, with employees no longer viewed as merely a resource, but recognized as a valuable asset capable of driving innovation and growth.
This book presents the proceedings of DHRM 2024, the International Conference on Disruptive Human Resource Management, held on 13 and 14 January 2024 in Bhubaneswar, India. The objective of the conference was to provide a platform for researchers and policy makers to discuss emerging, disruptive technologies in HR and people analytics. The book is divided into 3 sections. The first, contains 18 papers on human capital with technical space; the category that forms the backbone of DHRM. The second section covers business strategy, and presents 10 papers. The final section contains 11 papers dedicated to people management, and includes topics such as the application of big data analysis and prediction in hotel room pricing and the design and implementation of an intelligent question-answering robot based on DCU and ChatGLM6B models.
Aligning people practices with business strategies can drive innovation, improve competitiveness, and create sustainable value, and this book will be invaluable to all those working in HR with an interest in disruptive human-resource management.
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