
Grandinetti, L.,
Sterling, T.,
Mirtaheri, S.L.,
Shahbazian, R.,
Voevodin, V.

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This Book Contains A Subject Index


Due to the increasing need to solve complex problems, high-performance computing (HPC) is now one of the most fundamental infrastructures for scientific development in all disciplines, and it has progressed massively in recent years as a result. HPC facilitates the processing of big data, but the tremendous research challenges faced in recent years include: the scalability of computing performance for high velocity, high variety and high volume big data; deep learning with massive-scale datasets; big data programming paradigms on multi-core; GPU and hybrid distributed environments; and unstructured data processing with high-performance computing.

This book presents 19 selected papers from the TopHPC2017 congress on Advances in High-Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics in the Exascale era, held in Tehran, Iran, in April 2017. The book is divided into 3 sections: State of the Art and Future Scenarios, Big Data Challenges, and HPC Challenges, and will be of interest to all those whose work involves the processing of Big Data and the use of HPC.