Aims and Scope
Semantic Web has grown into a mature field of research. Its methods find innovative applications on and off the World Wide Web. Its underlying technologies have significant impact on adjacent fields of research and on industrial applications.
This book series reports on the state-of-the-art in foundations, methods and applications of Semantic Web and its underlying technologies. It is a central forum for the communication of recent developments and comprises research monographs, textbooks and edited volumes on all topics related to the Semantic Web.
Volumes in this series are co-published by IOS Press and Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, with a short publication time and world-wide distribution.
Proposals for publishing excellent PhD theses in this series are welcome.
Book series editors
Pascal Hitzler Kansas State University Manhattan, KS, USA Email:
Series Editors
Eva Blomqvist, Linköping, Sweden Diego Calvanese, Bolzano, Italy Oscar Corcho, Madrid, Spain Michel Dumontier, Maastricht, The Netherlands Krzysztof Janowicz, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Carole Goble, Manchester, UK Frank van Harmelen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Markus Krötzsch, Dresden, Germany Jens Lehmann, Bonn, Germany Juanzi Li, Beijing, China Diana Maynard, Sheffield, UK Mark Musen, Stanford, CA, USA Axel Ngonga, Leipzig, Germany Heiko Paulheim, Mannheim, Germany Valentina Presutti, CNR, Italy Barry Smith, Buffalo, NY, USA Steffen Staab, Koblenz, Germany Rudi Studer, Karlsruhe, Germany Hideaki Takeda, Tokyo, Japan Ruben Verborgh, Ghent, Belgium
In the case of edited volumes and proceedings, the volume editors decide about author fees (if applicable). In the case of monographs, this information is confidential.
The turn-around time of most series is between 6 and 9 weeks, from the submission of final and complete manuscript files to the IOS Press book department. The publishing schedule is irregular.
Volumes in the book series are reviewed and evaluated by the EiC and/or series editors. Articles are refereed by the volume editor. In each volume it is stated which peer review method is used.