
Call for Papers: Resistant Knowledges: unmasking coloniality through the re-search of local to global communities

Submit before 15 December 2023
The Critical Race Theory collective (CRTc) calls for contributions to a special issue of the international peer-reviewed journal Education for Information (Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Studies). Responding authors are being called to respond to the theme of engaging with and generating resistant knowledges with a fully articulated intention of unmasking coloniality. This call welcomes works with discipline specific, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary approaches within (or focused on) “communities” related to library, information and/or education praxes.

Special Issue Topic

This is more than a ‘call for papers’; it is call and response, inspired by indigenous storywork practices and counter-storytelling methodologies. We are a community of practice, and we are calling for contributions that are rooted in communities, in order to respond to current contexts of crises and manufactured culture wars that are rooted in the dehumanization and domination of coloniality. Hence the question framing this call: can we unmask coloniality through the re-search of local to global communities? An unmasking that emphasizes authentic self representation of identities; an unmasking that has evolved from Fanon’s original articulation that reflected his time (Fanon,1952). An unmasking which empowers re-search in and with local to global communities by removing the language obscuring masquerade of coloniality which distracts from the much bigger business of plunder. (Fanon,1965)

We seek contributions within Education for Information’s full editorial scope: thus inviting a broad continuum of theoretical, empirical, and/or praxes-based counter storytelling submissions related to but not limited to information and education fields and/or interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary work within the following areas:

  • Archival Science
  • Critical Information Literacy
  • Cultural Studies
  • Data Science
  • Digital Humanities
  • (Dis)ability Studies (DisCrit)
  • Documentation Theory and Practice
  • Education Studies
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Technology studies or the philosophy of technology commentaries topics of interest to education pedagogy and learning
  • Gender Studies
  • Queer Studies
  • Re-search papers (various forms) including empirical quantitative or qualitative studies as well as reflexive, hermeneutical, historical, and other conceptual approaches
  • Indigenous or Pan-African Epistemologies
  • Information and Health Equity
  • Information and Media
  • Information Policy and Ethics
  • Critical race theory contexts connected to any of the previous options
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Seeking and Use
  • Professional practices or theoretical approaches within galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM) as well as conservations and debates from scholars and practitioners connected interdisciplinarily/transdisciplinarily to GLAM
  • Critical race theory contexts connected to any of the previous options
    • counterstory as re-search method
    • interest convergence discussions
    • intersectional analysis
    • prácticas de liberación
    • racial battle fatigue (RBF)
    • racial realism
    • whiteness as property discussions
    • white supremacy perspectives
    • works discussing microaggressions



  • From 10/15/2023 through 12/15/2023 (prospective) authors can submit an abstract of no more than 750 words (on one occasion) for baseline feedback about their re-search counter narrative applicable to this call. Abstracts can be sent to editorialteam@crtcollective.org
  • Author’s first drafts due Monday March 4, 2024 by 11:59 EST
  • CRTc review of submissions March 5 through May 20
  • Author's resubmission (response to CRTc reviews): May 21 through June 30
  • CRTc Review of resubmissions July 1- 21
  • CRTc delivery of submissions to EFI managing editor: July 22
  • Managing editor review: July 23 - August 30
  • Target publishing issue 4, 2024

About the Journal

Education for Information: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Studies is a peer-reviewed, international journal publishing fundamental and applied research in the interdisciplinary field of the information studies. It invites submissions of research papers, of professional practices, conservations and debates from scholars and practitioners from the information fields (iFields). Topics of interest include but are not limited to education, pedagogy and learning in the iFields; information seeking and use; information policy and ethics; information retrieval; digital humanities; documentation theory and practice; data science; gender studies in the iFields, etc. The journal welcomes broad methodological approaches to these topics, including empirical quantitative or qualitative studies as well as reflexive, hermeneutical and other conceptual approaches. The journal also welcomes historical and foundational research in the iFields, including works that bridge the iFields with other fields, such as science and technology studies or the philosophy of technology, Philosophy, Media Studies.

Next Steps

This Special Issue will follow Education for Information’s Author Guidelines.

Most notably:

  • Full-length articles and literature reviews should be between 5000-8000 words of text excluding the references. Commentaries, funded innovative re-search protocols, short communications and book reviews should be between 1000-1500 words of text excluding references. 
  • Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are advised to consult a professional English language editing service or a native English speaker prior to submission.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared with wide margins and double spacing throughout, including the abstract, footnotes and references. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered. However, in the text no reference should be made to page numbers; if necessary, one may refer to sections. Try to avoid the excessive use of italics and bold face. 
  • Authors are requested to use the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style and references must be listed alphabetically in APA style

Authors should submit their contributions for review through CRTc Call for Papers Submission Form.

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2023