The rapid development of activity recognition technologies is revolutionizing intelligent environments,makingthemmoreresponsiveandadaptivetohumans'needs.Thesesystems utilize an array of sensors and sophisticated algorithms to accurately detect and interpret activities,playingapivotalroleinapplicationsrangingfromsmarthomesandhealthcareto industrialautomationandurbanplanning.Theenhancedperformanceofactivityrecognition models has enabled real-time, efficient monitoring and analysis, which are essential for creating environments that seamlessly integrate with daily life and operations. This technology's ability to unobtrusively and accurately identify activities is crucial for enhancing the functionality and user experience within intelligent environments.
The significance of these advancements extends beyond mere convenience, as they are foundational to the development of environments that anticipate and respond to the behaviors and needs of their inhabitants. By improving the accuracy and robustness of activity recognition systems, Intelligent Environments can offer greater safety, efficiency, and personalization. These innovations facilitate continuous, non-invasive monitoring, thereby supporting independent living for the elderly, optimizing energy use in smart buildings,andenhancingproductivityinworkplaces.Asintelligentenvironmentsevolve,the role of activity recognition will be increasingly critical in creating spaces that are not only smart but also intuitive and responsive, ultimately improving the quality of life and operational efficiency across various settings.
Potentialtopicsofinterestincludebut are notlimitedto:
HumanActivityRecognition (HAR) Models
ApplicationsofLLMand Robotics
Imagingrecognitionand Computer Vision
MachineLearningandDeep Learning applied to Activity Recognition in Intelligent environments
Submission Deadline : 30 September 2024 (System opens for submissions on 01 September 2024)
Authors Notification : 15 December 2024
Revised Papers Deadline : 15 January 2025
Final Notification : 15 February 2025
Publication Date : March 2025
About the Journal
The Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE) (impact factor 1.8, CiteScore 4.3) serves as a forum to discuss the latest developments on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and Smart Environments (SmE). Given the multi-disciplinary nature of the areas involved, the journal aims to promote participation from several different communities covering topics ranging from enabling technologies such as multi-modal sensing and vision processing, to algorithmic aspects in interpretive and reasoning domains, to application-oriented efforts in human-centered services, as well as contributions from the fields of robotics, networking, HCI, mobile, collaborative and pervasive computing.
Instructions for Authors
Contributions must be at least 12 pages in length. Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Conference papers may be submitted if the paper has been rewritten and expanded to at least30%(proofstobeincludedinthecoverletter),and,ifappropriate,writtenpermissions must have beenobtained fromanycopyrightholders ofthe original paper.
Additional information about the journal, including detailed instructions for authors can be found on the journal website. Submissions should be submitted to the journal's online submission system under Section: Advancements in Activity Recognition for Intelligent Environments.