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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-64368-086-6ISBN online
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- Ebook
Information and communication technologies now play a big part in the daily personal and professional lives of us all. Cyberspace – the interconnected digital technology domain which underlies communications, transportation, state administration, finance, medicine and education – is part of all our lives. In the last decade, the digital revolution in the South Eastern European (SEE) countries has given more people there access to communication, education, and news than ever before, and we should not underestimate the power of these information and communication technologies.
This book presents papers from the NATO Science for Peace and Security Advanced Training Course (ATC) Toward Effective Cyber Defense in Accordance With the Rules of Law, held in Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, in November 2019. The course focused on the SEE countries, where, in general, governments have paid appropriate attention to developing cyber defense capacities. In some cases, however, limitations in technological resources have restricted the capabilities of governments to respond to the ever-evolving challenges of defending the cyber domain. Laws and regulations differ from country to country, and the topics covered here were carefully chosen to cover issues in laws and regulations, cyber defense policies and their practical implementation.
The series of papers presented in this book will provide a deeper understanding of these topics for scholars, associated professionals in the public and private sectors, and for a more general audience.