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‘Big Data’ has been one of the buzzwords of recent years, a time during which computers and automated systems have become intrinsic, not least in the area of modern management.
This book presents the proceedings of MMBD 2024, the 5th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data, held as a hybrid event in Beijing, China from 25-27 October 2024. The conference provides a platform not only for academics, but also for technicians, policymakers and managers from various industries to gather and discuss innovations in the field. A total of 180 submissions were received for the conference, of which 63 were ultimately selected after a thorough peer review process, resulting in an acceptance rate of 35%. Topics covered include big data and modern management; innovation in online education management with big data; green supply chain management; big data analytics in supply chains; decision making on sustainable development; the digital economy; digital innovation; and social strategies for managing human relationships.
Offering an overview of the latest developments and innovations, the book will be of interest to all those whose work involves management based on big data.
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