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Information modelling is the essential part of information systems design. Design methods, specification languages, and tools tend to become application dependent, aiming at integration of methodologies stretching from traditional database design to knowledge bases, and including use of logical languages, and process oriented reactive systems description.
The topics of the articles cover a wide variety of problems in the area of information modelling, information systems specification, and knowledge bases, ranging from foundations and theories to systems construction and application studies. The contributions are grouped into the following major categories:
- Systems specification and information modelling schemes
- User interfaces and multimedia
- Knowledge organization database structuring
- Formal systems
- Knowledge and information
- From conceptual modelling to software engineering
- Description and organization of concepts and objects
- Learning systems and applications
This book is the eighth volume in the sub-series 'Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases'. This dates back to 1990 with annual publications now amounting to more than 200 reviewed articles.
The current volume is intended for researchers, students and practitioners in the area of information systems.