
ELPUB Scientometrics Portal Launched

In convergence with the 20th anniversary of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB) , a scientometrics installation was created to understand the reach of the electronic publishing community.

Funded by IOS Press and executed by the STKO Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara, the ELPUB Scientometrics Portal allows the visual exploration of how the ELPUB conference has changed and grown over the past few years.

As the publisher of the ELPUB papers in the journal Information Services & Use and the yearly proceedings, Positioning and Power in Academic Publishing: Players, Agents and Agendas (2016 edition), IOS Press wants to offer an extra service to the electronic publishing community.

Scientometrics play an increasingly important role in facilitating the recognition of different research fields as well as research topics within them. Different modules of the ELPUB constellation offer overviews like author information; country collaboration patterns based on co-authorship; relationships between papers through shared keywords; similarity of papers determined by writing style and a map of institution locations for all conference authors.