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978-90-5199-182-6ISBN online
A large number of medical information systems were already operational in 1994, and were being used to improve healthcare delivery. It was thought that, if shared through telematics, they could become instrumental in reducing inequities in healthcare within the European Region.</ br></ br> In September 1994, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Europe Regional Committee of Health Ministries, held its 44th session in Copenhagen, Denmark. This international symposium assembled representatives from various organizations (WHO-EUR, EU, experts in health care and telematics) as well as representatives from Member States (from Ministries of Health, health services and informatics) to make specific recommendations to the WHO-EUR Regional Committee. The theme of the 1994 conference was ‘Equity and Ethics in Health’, as issues of equity and ethics were considered central to making effective policy choices to deal with major disparities in health and opportunities and cope with other major health challenges faced by Europe at the time.</ br></ br> This book presents the results of the EFMI/WHO-EUR cosponsored working sessions devoted to "Case-Based telematic systems towards equity in health care", held in Brussels in June 1994. The book expresses the commonly held view that associate information systems, telematics and healthcare would be of benefit to patients. Actions were proposed to progressively improve patient care, resource management and the quality of care in Europe, and included both curative and preventive measures. It was hoped that these would lead to the achievement of greater equity in healthcare.
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