Earlier this year, the editors of Applied Ontology invited contributions to help document the current state of research in applied ontology and the range of challenges that the community is now addressing. Included in the current special issue are two such papers that review the state of the art in the fields of ontology modularization (Zubeida Casmod Khan and C. Maria Keet: An empirically-based framework for ontology modularization) and conceptual modeling (Michael Verdonck, Frederik Gailly, Sergio DeCesare, and Geert Poels: Ontology-driven conceptual modeling: a systematic literature mapping and review). IOS Press has awarded the authors of both these papers a prize in recognition of their contribution to the special issue.
The special issue also contains eight position papers that help to document contemporary thought in the discipline. These papers should help to clarify contemporary ideas in ontology engineering and conceptual modeling and to promote healthy debate.
Editors-in-Chief Mark Musen and Nicola Guarino are delighted to be able to include such distinctive content in this commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Applied Ontology. “The articles and position papers in this special issue help to chart the way for the future of our field, and they make us eagerly anticipate the next ten years of advances in our discipline.”
An Applied Ontology scientometrics installation was built to celebrate the journal’s tenth anniversary: http://scientometrics.geog.ucsb.edu/ao/ The portal allows users to visually explore how Applied Ontology has changed and grown in the last decade. The installation is developed by the STKO Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
About Applied Ontology Applied Ontology - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Ontological Analysis and Conceptual Modeling (www.iospress.nl/applied-ontology) focuses on information content in its broadest sense. As the subtitle makes clear, two broad kinds of content-based research activities are envisioned: ontological analysis and conceptual modeling. The former includes any attempt to investigate the nature and structure of a domain of interest using rigorous philosophical or logical tools; the latter concerns the cognitive and linguistic structures we use to model the world, as well as the various analysis tools and methodologies we adopt for producing useful computational models, such as information systems schemes or knowledge structures.
Applied Ontology is the first journal with explicit and exclusive focus on ontological analysis and conceptual modeling under an interdisciplinary view. It aims at being a major publication forum for theoretical and applied research in a variety of topics.
Editors-in-Chief Nicola Guarino National Research Council Institute for Cognitive Sciencies and Technologies (ISTC-CNR) Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) Italy
Mark A. Musen Stanford University Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research USA