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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-61499-529-6ISBN online
With emerging trends such as the Internet of Things, sensors and actuators are now deployed and connected everywhere to gather information and solve problems, and such systems are expected to be trustworthy, dependable and reliable under all circumstances. But developing intelligent environments which have a degree of common sense is proving to be exceedingly complicated, and we are probably still more than a decade away from sophisticated networked systems which exhibit human-like thought and intelligent behavior.
This book presents the proceedings of four workshops and symposia: the 4th International Workshop on Smart Offices and Other Workplaces (SOOW’15); the 4th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WoRIE’15); the Symposium on Future Intelligent Educational Environments and Learning 2015 (SOFIEEe’15); and the 1st immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN’15). These formed part of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in July 2015, which focused on the development of advanced, reliable intelligent environments, as well as newly emerging and rapidly evolving topics.
This overview of and insight into the latest developments of active researchers in the field will be of interest to all those who follow developments in the world of intelligent environments.