Promote Your Article

We share tips and tools for authors to help spread the news about newly published work – which will help make it more discoverable, increase readership and, potentially, lead to more citations.  


Your research has been published. The next step is spreading awareness of your new article.


Taking the following into consideration at the manuscript writing stage can be beneficial for your published article.

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Making sure your article is formatted for optimal search engine optimization (SEO) is key. Search engine results are the first point of call for most readers and you want your research to be found. Top tips to help your article appear closer to the top of search engine results:

  • Short title
  • Keywords in title and abstract
  • Keywords in subtitles
  • Keywords in captions for figures, graphs, tables, and photographs
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If you register and use your open researcher and contributor ID (ORCID), then all your professional activities will be linked directly back to you. Institutions, societies, and funders can easily identify you, and it is easy to track your activities each time you produce new work. This is a unique identifier that distinguishes researchers from each other, and you can create an online record of all your research publications. Having an ORCID:

  • Reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations 
  • Reduces form-filling (enter data once, re-use it often) 
  • Improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs 
  • Is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers) 
  • Is persistent (enduring)

Your ORCID is important, and that is why we encourage authors to supply this identifier at the submission stage. For some journals it is already an article submission requirement.


Make sure you effectively share news about your published work by using all the resources available to you.

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We share with you a handy guide that lists many of the tools you can use at this stage to promote your work and help your research achieve a wider reach and greater impact. Some of the most effective and influential promotional tools are the ones that you are already best equipped to use. Suggestions cover:

  • Making the most of social media
  • Harnessing your networking skills if you are attending conferences
  • Getting support from your institution in the form of promotion and press releases




We cooperate with Kudos, which is a service that helps authors maximize the impact and visibility of their research. Via the Kudos website, authors who have published in one of our journals can create a personal dashboard and track how often articles are viewed and shared through Kudos.

How it works
We supply Kudos with metadata of newly-published articles as soon as they appear in a journal issue. This is used to identify the article by its digital object identifier (DOI) in CrossRef and invite the authors by email to register for the Kudos service. After this, various steps prompt authors to enrich, explain, and share additional information by use of the Kudos system. Kudos can also provide widgets that can be embedded into webpages to present researchers’ abstracts on their personal websites. Authors will receive no more than three emails (one invitation and a maximum of two reminders to register for the service and link the published article to your profile). Using and registering for Kudos remains entirely optional.


  • What should authors do to get involved?
    Wait to hear from Kudos by email; information and full instructions will be provided.
  • Are there any costs?
    No, the use of Kudos is entirely free for researchers.
  • Which IOS Press articles are available in Kudos?
    Only fully published journal articles within a journal issue (not articles in the pre-press stage). 
    At the moment, the service is unavailable for book articles.
  • What steps can be taken to get extra visibility?
    Get your article featured in the IOS Press Showcase by highlighting key takeaways from your research (see below).


Get your work noticed on Kudos by using the IOS Press Showcase on the Kudos platform.
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Discover all about circulating your publication by reading our article sharing policy for journal articles. You can order reprints and/or the a full text PDF file of the published version of your article (if your paper is published non-open access). This comes with the right to post that version on your personal website and/or that of your institution, company, or funding agency. The corresponding author can order these using the form which will be provided during the proof stage.