Open Science

By contributing in an innovative way to a trustworthy scientific ecosystem, we support open science approaches to advance research. Adhering to industry best practices, we focus on interoperability, workflows, and discoverability, with flexible open access options available for our books and journals. 

  • Open Access Publishing

    Open Library lists options to publish open access in all our journals.

  • Open Access Licensing

    Review our licenses and author copyright agreements here.

  • Open Access Mandates

    Compliance with major funding agency policies.

  • Open Access Institutional Agreements

    Check out the available open access agreements per country.

  • Open COVID-19 Content

    View all COVID-19 content that is openly available.

  • Open Data

    Discover more actions being taken to make data accessible.

  • Sharing Open Access Articles

    Information about article sharing and archiving options.

  • Waiver Options

    Authors from low-income countries may have the option for a fee waiver.

In Brief

Open science is key to the flexible services we provide to elevate quality, accessibility, and impact of research.

    We support the Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) to promote the unrestricted availability of abstracts of the world's scholarly publications. We release the abstracts of research articles publicly for all our journals and the metadata are deposited with Crossref.

    The benefits for our authors include:

    • Maximize visibility and discoverability
    • Enable machine-accessible access
    • Promote easy reading and citing of abstracts

    We advocate open science to expedite the dissemination of the latest research and offer authors the option to publish open access in all our publications. We offer:

    • Both open access and hybrid publishing models for journals
    • Transformative agreements leading to open access publishing for authors to publish open access at no cost or a discount
    • The possibility of waivers for authors from low-income countries to publish open access at no cost in our fully open access journals
    • Open access options for ebooks


    We recommend that authors opt to share their research data openly. Unsiloing data is a key driver that can enable researchers to easily retrieve, communicate, and share data. The crux of open science is to make scientific research and data accessible to all, with the end result of sharing this knowledge through the publication of open scientific research, campaigning for open access, and generally making it easier to publish and communicate scientific knowledge.

    The implementation of guiding principles to make data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) relies on public endorsement and cooperation. We have a duty to ensure that the content published in our journals and books is accessible and discoverable – and we do that by ensuring the content is machine readable and metadata are publicly available (via our linked data portal LD Connect), in line with FAIR principles. Discover more about our work relating to FAIR data here.


    We support the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) to promote the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data. We release the reference list metadata publicly for all our journals and the metadata are deposited with Crossref. The benefits for our authors include:

    • Making content more discoverable
    • Enabling evaluation of research
    • Increasing citation counts
colourful illuminated open sign on a shop door

Related Blog Post

Addressing the Challenges of Open Access Infrastructure
After decades of discussion, open access appears to be the direction of travel within scholarly publishing. Many organizations are working to “flip” existing journals to open access or launch new journals that are fully open actions. Read about the challenges for open access infrastructure in this blog post by Astrid Engelen.

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