Aims & Scope
Multiagent and Grid Systems – An International Journal of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence aims to provide a timely and prime forum for researchers and practitioners. The Journal solely considers original work that has not been published elsewhere, nor is under consideration for potential publication elsewhere. The Journal solicits manuscripts of solid work that fall within its thematic areas, i.e., Big Data, Machine Learning, Trustworthy AI, Decentralized AI, Edge AI, Cloud Computing, Health Data Science. The Journal publishes peer-refereed research and application articles of high technical quality and scientific standard. It features contributed research articles, review articles about the state of the art, and technical articles about implementation issues and real-world problems. Moreover, from time to time it presents special issues on topical developments of major research challenges and/or profound scientific impacts.
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Huaglory Tianfield
Glasgow Caledonian University
Cowcaddens Road 70, G4 0BA Glasgow, United Kingdom
Editor Emeritus
Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland
University of Duisburg-Essen
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Associate Editors
Xu Chen
Jiangsu University
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China
Haris M. Khalid
University of Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shangjing Lin
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Beijing, China
BalaAnand Muthu
Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology
Yang Tang
East China University of Science and Technology
Shanghai, China
Hongji Yang
University of Leicester
Leicester, United Kingdom
Editorial Board
S. Ambroszkiewicz
Polish Academy of Sciences
A. Andrzejak
Heidelberg University
M. Beer
Sheffield Hallam University
United Kingdom
W. Cai
Nanyang Technological University
L.M. Camarinha-Matos
New University of Lisbon
J. Cao
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
B. Chaib-Draa
Université Laval
S. Cranefield
University of Otago
New Zealand
C.A.F. De Rose
Catholic University of Rio Grande
Y. Demazeau
J. Denzinger
University of Calgary
B. Di Martino
Second University of Naples
G. Di Marzo Serugendo
University of Geneva
F. Dignum
Umeå University
A. Drogoul
Institute of Research for Development
T. Eymann
Bayreuth University
R. Falcone
National Research Council of Italy, Rome
G. Fortino
University of Calabria
G. Fox
Indiana University
E.R. Gomes
Swinburne University of Technology
S. Gorlatch
Münster University
D. Greenwood
Whitestein Technologies AG
N. Griffiths
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
S. Guan
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
P. Herrero
Politechnic University of Madrid
M.-P. Huget
University of Savoie - LISTIC
J. Koehler
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art
J.-L. Koning
Grenoble Institute of Technology
R. Kowalczyk
Swinburne University of Technology
D. Laforenza
Italian National Research Council
K. Liu
University of Reading
United Kingdom
B. López
University of Girona
J.P. Morrison
University College Cork
S. Ossowski
University Rey Juan Carlos
M. Parashar
Rutgers University
A. Perini
SRA Division, ITC - IRST
D. Petcu
West University of Timisoara
P. Petta
Medical University of Vienna
A. Poggi
University of Parma
D. E. Popescu
University of Oradea
F. Qian
East China University of Science and Technology
F. Rabhi
The University of New South Wales
R. Reddy
West Virginia University
A. Smirnov
R. Sterritt
University of Ulster at Jordanstown
United Kingdom
D.M. Swany
University of Delaware
D. Talia
University of Calabria DIES
I. Timm
University of Trier
J. Vidal
University of South Carolina
C.-L. Wang
University of Hong Kong
H. Yue
University of Strathclyde
F. Zambonelli
University of Modena e Reggio Emilia
J. Zhang
Nanyang Technological University
H. Zhu
Oxford Brookes University
United Kingdom
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Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
- Title page
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- Acknowledgements
- References
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- Tables should be embedded amidst the text where they are first cited
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Headings and subheadings should be numbered and typed on a separate line, without indentation.
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Title page
The title page should provide the following information:
- Title (should be clear, specific and succinct)
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- Complete address of corresponding author, including tel. no., fax no. and e-mail address
- Abstract; should be clear, descriptive, self-explanatory and not longer than 200 words, it should also be suitable for publication in abstracting services
- Keywords.
Body of text
- The use of first persons (i.e., "I", "we", their possessives, etc.) should be avoided, which can nicely be expressed by the passive voice or other ways. This also applies to the Abstract.
- A research paper should be structured in terms of four parts, each of which may comprise multiple sections:
-+ Part One is problem description/definition, and a literature review upon the state of the art;
-+ Part Two is methodological formulation and/or theoretical development (fundamentals, principle and/or approach, etc.)
-+ Part Three is prototyping, case study or experiment; and
-+ Part Four is critical evaluation against related works, and the conclusion.
- A survey paper may skip Part Three, but should multiply Part Two and elaborate Parts One and Four.
- An application paper may light touch Part Two but should elaborate Part Three, with Parts One and Four similar to what a research paper would.
In any article it is unnecessary to have an arrangement statement at the beginning (or end) of every (Sub-)Section. Rather, a single overall arrangement statement about the whole paper can be made at the end of the Introduction Section.
Number as Table 1, Table 2 etc, and refer to all of them in the text.
Each table should be provided on a separate page of the manuscript. Tables should be embedded in the text.
Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Standard abbreviations of units of measurement should be added between parentheses.
Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Leave some extra space between the columns instead.
Any explanations essential to the understanding of the table should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the table.
Number figures as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc and refer to all of them in the text.
Each figure should be provided on a separate sheet. Figures should be embedded in the text.
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- line art should be have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi, save as EPS or TIFF
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- for figures that should be printed in colour, please send a CMYK encoded EPS or TIFF
Figures should be designed with the format of the page of the journal in mind. They should be of such a size as to allow a reduction of 50%.
On maps and other figures where a scale is needed, use bar scales rather than numerical ones, i.e., do not use scales of the type 1:10,000. This avoids problems if the figures need to be reduced.
Each figure should have a self-explanatory caption. The captions to all figures should be typed on a separate sheet of the manuscript.
Photographs are only acceptable if they have good contrast and intensity.
Place citations as numbers in square brackets in the text. All publications cited in the text should be presented in an alphabetical list of references at the end of the manuscript in the following style:
[1] B. Newman and E.T. Liu, Perspective on BRCA1, Breast Disease 10 (1998), 3-10.
[2] D.F. Pilkey, Happy conservation laws, in: Neural Stresses, J. Frost, ed., Controlled Press, Georgia, 1995, pp. 332-391.
[3] E. Wilson, Active vibration analysis of thin-walled beams, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1991.
Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it is possible to incorporate the information in the text.
If used, they should be numbered in the text, indicated by superscript numbers and kept as short as possible.
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