
86-88, 12 issues

Latest issue

87:4 online 16 August 2024

Next issue

88:1 scheduled for September 2024

Back volumes

From volume 1, 1981

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Aims & Scope

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, a peer-reviewed international scientific journal, serves as an aid to understanding the flow properties of blood and the relationship to normal and abnormal physiology. The rapidly expanding science of hemorheology concerns blood, its components and the blood vessels with which blood interacts. It includes perihemorheology, i.e., the rheology of fluid and structures in the perivascular and interstitial spaces as well as the lymphatic system. The clinical aspects include pathogenesis, symptomatology and diagnostic methods, and the fields of prophylaxis and therapy in all branches of medicine and surgery, pharmacology and drug research.

The endeavour of the Editors-in-Chief and publishers of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation is to bring together contributions from those working in various fields related to blood flow all over the world. The editors of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation are from those countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and America where appreciable work in clinical hemorheology and microcirculation is being carried out. Each editor takes responsibility to decide on the acceptance of a manuscript. He is required to have the manuscript appraised by two referees and may be one of them himself. The executive editorial office, to which the manuscripts have been submitted, is responsible for rapid handling of the reviewing process.

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation accepts original papers, brief communications, mini-reports and letters to the Editors-in-Chief. Review articles, providing general views and new insights into related subjects, are regularly invited by the Editors-in-Chief. Proceedings of international and national conferences on clinical hemorheology (in original form or as abstracts) complete the range of editorial features.

The following professionals and institutions will benefit most from subscribing to Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation: medical practitioners in all fields including hematology, cardiology, geriatrics, angiology, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, otology, and neurology. Pharmacologists, clinical laboratories, blood transfusion centres, manufacturing firms producing diagnostic instruments, and the pharmaceutical industry will also benefit.

Important new topics will increasingly claim more pages of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation: the role of hemorheological and microcirculatory disturbances for epidemiology and prognosis, in particular regarding cardiovascular disorders, as well as its significance in the field of geriatrics. Authors and readers are invited to contact the editors for specific information or to make suggestions.

Editorial Board


Friedrich Jung
Brandenburg University of Technology
Institute of Biotechnology, Molecular Cell Biology
Email: friedrich.jung@b-TU.de

Lukas Prantl
Department of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
University Hospital Regensburg
Email: Lukas.prantl@ukr.de


Gregorio Caimi
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Palermo, Italy

Philippe Connes
Université Claude Bernard Lyon
Lyon, France

Seahyoung Lee
Catholic Kwandong University
Gangneung, South Korea

Christian Lehmann
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Canada

Founding Editors

Alfred Lewin Copley
Siegfried Witte

Honorary Editors-in-Chief

Sandro Forconi
Hideyuki Niimi
Jean François Stoltz

Honorary Members

Shu Chien
Tullio Di Perri 
A. M. Ehrly
Holger Schmid-Schönbein

Section Editors


Michel R. Boisseau
University of Bordeaux
Bordeaux, France

Renate Koppensteiner
Medical University Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Romeo Martini
University of Padova
Padova, Italy

Animal studies

Bernhard Hiebl
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Hannover, Germany

Norbert Nemeth
University of Debrecen
Debrecen, Hungary

Ursula Windberger
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

F.Y. Zhuang
China-Japan Friendship Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences
Beijing, China

Biomedical Engineering

Franco Bassetto
University of Padua
Padua, Italy

F. Liao
Institute of Chinese Materia Medica
Beijing, China

Geert W. Schmid-Schönbein
University of California
San Diego, USA

Junji Seki
National Cardiovascular Center Research
Osaka, Japan

Peter Vogt
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Hannover, Germany


Nadia Antonova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria

Efstathios Kaliviotis
Cyprus University of Technology
Limassol, Cyprus

Aris Koutsiaris
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly
Larisa, Greece

Roland N. Pittman
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, USA

Blood Rheology

‪Jean-Francois Brun
Université de Montpellier
Montpellier, France‬

Yasuhiro Isogai
Toyama Prefectural University
Imizu, Japan

Herbert J. Meiselman
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, USA

Alexei V. Muravyov
University of Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl, Russia

Ana Silva Herdade
Instituto de Medicina Molecular
Lisbon, Portugal


Christian Jung
University Clinic Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany

Jai-Wun Park
Charité Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Germany

John D. Parker
Sinai Health System University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Kalman Toth
University of Pécs
Pécs, Hungary

Clinical Imaging

Yingying Chen
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Shanghai, China

Yi Dong
Fudan University
Shanghai, China

Joon Phong Hong
University of Ulsan
Ulsan, South Korea

Ernst Michael Jung
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany

Lingxiao Liu
Fudan University
Shanghai, China

Maximilian Waldner
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Erlangen, Germany

Hui-Xiong Xu
Tongji University School of Medicine
Shanghai, China

Clinical Microcirculation

Vladimir Cerny
Charles University Prague
Prague, Czech Republic

Antonio Colantuoni
Deptartment of Clinical Medicine & Surgery
Naples, Italy

Marco Rossi
University Hospital of Pisa
Pisa, Italy

Clinical Studies

James Chang
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

M Jünger
Universität Greifswald

Arash Momeni
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

Norio Tanahashi
Department of Neurology
Tokyo, Japan


Samir Ballas
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, USA

Melania Carlisi
University of Palermo
Palermo, Italy

Max R. Hardeman
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Xu Zhao
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai, China

Human Studies

Raymund Horch
University of Erlangen
Erlangen, Germany

Rod Rohrich
University of Texas Southwestern
Dallas, USA

Michael Simmonds
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Australia

Internal Medicine

Monimoy Banerjee
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, USA

Maria Fornal
Jagiellonian University
Krakow, Poland

Patrick Lacolley
Broussais Hospital
Paris, France

Franco Laghi Pasini
Università degli Studi Siena
Siena, Italy

Robert S. Rosenson
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, USA


Eliete Bouskela
University of Rio de Janeiro State

Helena Lenasi
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Herbert H. Lipowsky
Penn State University
State College, USA

Ruijuan Xiu
Peking Union Medical College
Peking, China

Molecular Biology

Vimisha Dharamdasani
Cambridge University
Cambridge, UK

Jan-Heiner Kuepper
Brandenburger-Technische Universität
Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany

Jens Pietzsch
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Dresden, Germany

Özlem Yalçin
Koc University
Istanbul, Turkey

Molecular Medicine

Stéphane Egée
Université Sorbonne
Paris, France

‪Biao Huang
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, USA‬

Carlota Saldanha
University of Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal

Juan Zhou
University of Halifax
Halifax, Canada


Francesco Forconi
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK

Bruce Wang
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Wuhan, China


Wilson J. To
University of California
Los Angeles, USA

Sebastian Wolf
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland

Ute Wolf-Schnurrbusch
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland


Mükerrem Betül Yerer-Aycan
Erciyes University
Kaisere, Turkey

B. Riquelme
Rosario National University
Rosario, Argentina


Neslihan Dikmenoglu-Falkmarken
Hacettepe University
Istanbul, Turkey

Gerard B. Nash
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK

Maya Mantskava
Beritashvili Institute of Physiology
Tbilisi, Georgia

Resia Pretorius
Department Physiological Sciences, Stellenbosch University
South Africa


Sajad Ahmadizad
University of Shahid Beheshti
Tehran, Iran

Steffen Braune
Brandenburg University of Technology
Cottbus, Germany

Yuan Li
Chongqing Medical University
Chongqing, China

Sehyun Shin
School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
Seoul, South Korea

Red Blood Cells

Janette Bester
University of Pretoria
Pretoria, South Africa

Brian M. Cooke
James Cook University
Cairns, Australia

Marijke Grau
Sporthochschule Köln
Köln, Germany

Wassim El Nemer
Institute National de la Transfusion Sanguine
Paris, France

Jean-Luc Wautier
Université Paris Diderot
Paris, France

Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Xiaowen Bai
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, USA

Ana Maria Blocki
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Valentin Pavlov
Bashkir State University
Ufa, Russia

Melanie Rodrigues
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

Trans- and Re-plantation

Edward Geissler
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany

Riccardo Giunta
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
München, Germany

Vascular Biology

Tommaso Gori
University Medical Center of Mainz
Mainz, Germany

Markos Klonizakis
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield, UK

Anne Krüger-Genge
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research
Potsdam, Germany

Vascular Pathology

Anthony Cheung
University of California
Sacramento, USA

Ralf-Peter Franke
Central Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Ulm, Germany

Robert Klopfleisch
Freie Universität Berlin
Berlin, Germany

Wound Healing

Charles E. Butler
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Austin, USA

Geoffrey Gurtner
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

Britta Kuehlmann
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

Michael T. Longaker
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

Stephan Schreml
University of Regensburg
Regensburg, Germany

Derrick Wan
Stanford University
Stanford, USA

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[2] Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.
[3] Berkow R, Fletcher AJ, editors. The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. 16th ed. Rahway (NJ): Merck Research Laboratories; 1992.
[4] Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGrawHill; 2002. p. 93-113.
[5] Canadian Cancer Society [homepage on the Internet]. Toronto: The Society; 2006 [updated 2006 May 12; cited 2006 Oct 17]. Available from: www.cancer.ca/.
[6] Tian D, Araki H, Stahl E, Bergelson J, Kreitman M. Signature of balancing selection in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. In press 2002.
[7] Fletcher D, Wagstaff CRD. Organisational psychology in elite sport: its emergence, application and future. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2009;10(4):427-34. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2009.03.009.

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All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to rigorous peer-review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Reasons to reject a paper in the pre-screening process could for example be because the work does not fall within the aims and scope, the writing is of poor quality, the instructions to authors were not followed or the presented work is not novel. Desk rejections are communicated within a few days after submission.

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Winner of the A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2021:

"Anti-inflammatory iron chelator, DIBI, reduces leukocyte-endothelial adhesion and clinical symptoms of LPS-induced interstitial cystitis in mice"

G. Hagn, B. Holbein, J. Zhou and C. Lehmann

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 79(3), 2021, 395-406. doi: 10.3233/CH201078

The authors evaluated the effects of DIBI on LPS induced IC in mice. Leukocyte activation, endothelial adhesion and functional capillary density were assessed by intravital microscopy of the bladder microcirculation following a single intravesical LPS administration with or without intravesical DIBI treatment. In addition, clinical IC symptoms were also assessed through behavioral and pain threshold force measurements.

The study revealed that DIBI reduced inflammatory endothelial leukocyte adhesion and key indices related to pain and suffering over those observed in untreated IC mice. Their findings suggest a potential therapeutic role for DIBI for IC treatment.

Winner of the A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2020:

"Microrheology, microcirculation and structural compensatory mechanisms of a chronic kidney disease rat model. A preliminary study"

Souleiman Ghanem, Tamas Lesznyak, Laszlo Fazekas, Bence Tanczos, Barbara Barath, Maitham Nasser, Laszlo Horvath, Laszlo Bidiga, Balazs Szabo, Adam Deak, Katalin Peto and Norbert Nemeth

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 75(1), 2020; 47-56. doi: 10.3233/CH-190763.

The authors studied two groups of female Sprague-Dawley rats: one subjected to nephrectomy and one sham-operated group where no intervention was made. The study revealed that serum creatinine increased in the nephrectomy group (p = 0.008), accompanied with a decrease of red blood cell count (p = 0.028) and hemoglobin concentration (p = 0.015). Erythrocyte aggregation parameters slightly increased in nephrectomy group, while red blood cell deformability did not show any significant changes. The microcirculation remained intact in the remnant kidney of the nephrectomy group. However, in comparison with the sham-operated group, the diameter of glomeruli increased significantly (p < 0.01). The authors concluded that erythrocyte mass was influenced more than micro-rheological properties in this model. The main compensation mechanism was rather structural than at microcirculatory level.

Winner of the A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2019:

"Amyloid β peptide affects erythrocyte morphology: Role of intracellular signaling pathways"

Simone Dinarelli, Marco Girasole and Francesco Misiti

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 71(4), 2019, 437-449. doi: 10.3233/CH-199007.

"S. Dinarelli and colleagues received the Prize for their prospective study about the relationship between amyloid peptide and erythrocyte morphology and the role of intracellular pathways. The study revealed that amyloid ß treatment accelerated the occurrence of morphological and biochemical aging markers in human red blood cells and influenced the cell metabolism. Biochemical data demonstrated that contemporaneously to morphological alterations, Aβ triggers: (i) metabolic alterations and (ii) a complex signaling pathway involving caspase 3, protein kinase C and nitric oxide derived metabolites. The study provides an insight how amyloid ß treatment of RBC induced changes in specific cell signalling events and/or metabolic pathways, in turns affecting the membrane-cytoskeleton interaction and the membrane integrity." [ F. Jung, P. Connes, C. Lehmann, A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2019, Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 75(1) (2020), doi: 10.3233/CH-209100]

Winner of the A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2018:

"Impact of plasma viscosity on microcirculatory flow after traumatic haemorrhagic shock: A prospective observational study"

D.N. Naumann, J. Hazeldine, J. Bishop, M.J. Midwinter, P. Harrison, G. Nash and S.D. Hutchings.

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 71(1), 2019, 71-82. doi: 10.3233/CH-180397.

The authors tested the hypothesis that changes in plasma viscosity affect microcirculatory flow following injury and haemorrhagic shock. There is evidence from preclinical studies (particularly small animal models) that increased plasma viscosity may improve flow, but this had not yet been tested in a clinical setting. This is particularly important because viscosity may be a physical property of importance when designing and selecting resuscitation fluids. The authors were the first to compare microcirculatory flow parameters (using sublingual incident dark field video-microscopy) with plasma viscosity (measured using a Wells-Brookfield cone and plate micro-viscometer) in a cohort of patients admitted to hospital following major trauma. They found no evidence of improved microcirculatory flow in the presence of higher viscosity, which seems to contrast with evidence from animal studies. These findings cast some doubt on the translatability of animal studies to more complex clinical scenarios, and suggest that further investigations are required to determine whether the viscosity of resuscitation fluid is indeed a factor of relevance in clinical practice.

Winner of the A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2017:

"The relationship between hemorheological parameters and mortality in critically ill patients with and without sepsis"

K. Totsimon, K. Biro, Z.E. Szabo, K. Toth, P. Kenyeres and Z. Marton

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 65(2), 2017, 119-129. doi: 10.3233/CH-16136.

The authors investigated the prognostic role of hemorheological parameters in critical ill patients. They compared the changes of rheological variables to hemodynamic alterations and to well-known prognostic scores. Patients treated on intensive care unit with different non-surgical diseases were studied. Routine laboratory parameters and prognostic scores (APACHE, SAPS) were determined and hemorheological variables (hematocrit, plasma and whole blood viscosity, red blood cell aggregation and deformability) were measured atn different time points. Whole blood viscosity and red blood cell deformability were found lower, red blood cell aggregation higher in septic than in nonseptic patients. In nonseptic patients whole blood viscosity, red blood cell aggregation were higher in nonsurvivors compared to survivors. Worsening of red blood cell deformability predicted higher mortality. Their findings prove that rheological parameters (especially red blood cell aggregation deformability) could predict mortality in severely ill patients and they may add prognostic information over the routine ICU scores.

Winner of the A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2016:

"Retinal vessel regulation at high altitudes"

T. Neumann, M. Baertschi, W. Vilser, S. Drinda, M. Franz, A. Bruckmann, G. Wolf and C. Jung

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 63(3),2016, 281-292. doi: 10.3233/CH-162041.

The authors set up a two parts study where 1) healthy individuals were exposed to a simulated altitude of 5500 meters and 2) a second group of healthy individuals were brought to a mountain station at an altitude of 3000 meters. In the second part of the study, individuals were also treated with a dual endothelin (ET) receptor antagonist that binds the two ET receptor subtypes, ETA and ETB. The authors investigated the retinal vessel diameter, response to flicker light, retinal oxygen saturation and retinal venous pressure in the different experimental conditions. Both hypoxic exposures caused an increase of retinal arterial and venous diameters and a decrease of the arterial and venous response to flicker light. In the second part of the study, retinal venous pressure increased in 6 individuals after ascent to 3000 meters and normalized after dual ET receptor antagonist. This finding clearly shows that hypoxia may disturb retinal vascular reactivity in apparently healthy individuals and highlight the effects of blocking ET receptors in such an environmental situation.

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