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This book will provide an opportunity for both new and experienced investigators in the field of somite biology to review recent advances, and to integrate them into our accumulated knowledge of how somites form and differentiate. Published collected works on this topic have been scarce in comparison with the high level of current interest in somite biology. This symposium will serve to fill that deficiency.
Although focussed on the formation and patterning of somites, the book will encompass a broader life history of a somite. In ontogenetic terms, the symposium topics will include the events attending gastrulation, which foreshadow somite formation, to the subsequent contributions that somites make to neighboring regions such as musculature, limbs and axial skeleton.
This work represents some of the most significant advances in the study of somites and segmentation. Of particular interest will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with some of the notable investigators in Eastern Europe whose contact with western investigators has in the past been limited.
Although somites form from the paraxial mesoderm, a complete discussion must include the origin of the cells that eventually give rise to somites. This period includes gastrulation and the patterning of the mesoderm prior to actual segmentation. The spatial and temporal regularity of somite formation has provided fertile material for theological biologists.
This book will bring together investigators from NATO and NATO Partner countries who are employing both classical and molecular approaches to the analysis of somitogenesis. Through the exchange of ideas that can be found is this book, it is expected that participants will gain a broadened perspective of somitogenesis and generate the new ideas and collaborations that will greatly expand research in this area. This work will be of inestimable benefit to future embryologists working on somites.