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HardcoverISBN print
978-1-60750-504-4ISBN online

Senior information executives are currently confronted by a continually growing and increasingly complex set of challenges. These include rapidly changing technologies, environmental issues and the current global economic situation.
This book, volume 3 in the Global E-Governance Series, brings together the contributions of acknowledged experts from all over the world, who have presented papers and participated in discussions at three recent conferences on e-government, the role of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) and e-governance. They give us their frank and honest insights, and share with us not only their successes, but also their failures and the lessons they have learnt from them. Divided into five parts, the book covers subjects such as: e-participation and perspectives from citizen involvement, national e-government strategies, innovative CIO, ICT (Information & Communication Technology) in the context of the world economy and finally, global e-government rankings. Despite the different backgrounds and nationalities of the contributors, what is notable are the common themes which emerge from their work. This book will undoubtedly be a valuable resource of interest to all those involved in the field of e-government.
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