
Pauly, M.,
Robinson, C.A.,
Sepe, S.,
Sing, M.,
Willian, M.K.

Publication date

# of pages




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This work draws together the current state of the art economic thinking about vaccine supply. Topics include potential vaccine shortages, the influence of the concentration of vaccine production in a small number of firms, product liability concerns, stringent FDA regulations on vaccine costs and prices, and the interaction between scientific advances, prices, and industry concentration. The papers in this volume present an overview of research and policy aspects on the question of the supply of childhood vaccines. The opinions assembled include perspectives from industrial organization, antitrust economics, public economics, and medical economics. The papers critically assess the essential question whether the market as currently structured can provide a sufficient quantity of childhood vaccines at an acceptable price. The experts address threats of vaccine shortages and pricing policies. Also addressed in the book are state policies towards the production and distribution of vaccines; scientific developments; and policy research.
The book is a valuable source for a various audience, such as: advocacy groups and the research community, health administrators, pharmaceuticals, researchers and students in economics, health services administration and public policy.