
Bramati, A.,
Carusotto, I.,
Ciuti, C.

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Online Only


This book contains the lectures presented as Course 209 of the prestigious International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter, held in Varenna, Italy from 2 to 7 July 2022. The primary goal of this edition of the school was to familiarize young researchers with the fundamental concepts of those key disciplines integral to the field of quantum fluids of light and matter, instilling the interdisciplinary mindset intrinsic to this cutting-edge field of research. The lectures covered a broad spectrum of subjects, including the evolution from the perspective of nonlinear optics and pattern formation in nonlinear dynamical systems up to modern applications in laser and quantum optics devices; circuit QED and its potential as a platform for the simulation of correlated quantum matter and lattice gauge theories; topological bands, renowned topological models, and their recent implementation in atomic and optical platforms; quantum photonics in solid-state devices utilizing 2D Van der Waals materials; and bosonic or continuous-variable coding techniques, with a focus on utilizing electromagnetic signals or mechanical modes.

Offering an introduction to the discipline of quantum fluids of light and matter, the book will be of interest to all physicists wishing to increase their knowledge of this area.