
Gramegna, F.,
Van Duppen, P.,
Vitturi, A.,
Pirrone, S.

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The field of radioactive ion beam research has evolved over the last three decades, and several sizeable facilities are currently undergoing a major upgrade or are under construction. In Europe, these include ISOLDE - CERN (Switzerland), SPIRAL2 - GANIL (France), FAIR - GSI (Germany) and SPES (Italy) while RIBF - RIKEN (Japan), TRIUMF (Canada) and FRIB - MSU (USA) are the major undertakings elsewhere. These will create unprecedented opportunities to extend our knowledge in as yet unexplored regions of the nuclear chart, and address key questions in nuclear physics, fundamental interactions, and astrophysics, as well as linking to other fields of science including life science.

This book presents material from the 201st International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, entitled: Nuclear Physics with Stable and Radioactive Ion Beams and held in Varenna, Italy, from 14 – 19 July 2017.The lectures and seminars of this school focused on structural and dynamic aspects from both a theoretical and experimental point of view, and among the recent advances discussed in the 14 full-length contributions included here are: advanced shell-model, density functional applications and symmetry-based methods, as well as cluster and reaction models. A dedicated session was organized to mark the 90th birthday of Professor R.A. Ricci, and focused on his pioneering work in nuclear structure. He was, in particular, one of the founders of heavy-ion-induced reaction studies devoted to deepening knowledge of nuclear structure and dynamics.

The International School of Physics Enrico Fermi has a worldwide reputation, and the book will be of interest to all those working in the field.

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