
Mahan, A.,
Mansell, R.,
Samarajiva, R.

Publication date

# of pages




ISBN print



Delft University Press


(second printing 2008)


Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention is a publication that celebrates the life and work of William Melody, and his contributions to the creation, networking and application of knowledge about interactions between changing technologies and societies. “This is a magnificent Festschrift but no more than William Melody deserves. He has made an outstanding contribution to our understanding of the evolution of information and communication technology over the past half century, and to the problems of regulating and controlling it during a period of revolutionary change in the technology. The editors of the book have […] insisted on short contributions and this has not only made them very readable, it has also made it possible to include a wild range of papers, reflecting the scope of William Melody’s own activities and relationships. Furthermore, the editors have so organised more than 50 contributions that they provide a lively and well-informed commentary on the various stages of his life and work. Finally, they have written an introduction to each of the sections highlighting the main features of his work and relating these to the evolution of ICT” – Chris Freeman, Professor Emeritus, SPRU, University of Sussex.