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HardcoverISBN print
978-1-58603-728-4ISBN online
While multiple-access communication dates back to systems invented in the 1870’s to transmit simultaneous data through a single wire, the foundation of the discipline now known as ‘multiuser information theory’ was laid in 1961, when Claude E. Shannon published his paper on two-way channels. Since then, multiuser information theory has been an extremely active research area, and has seen a large number of fundamental contributions, covering, besides the two-way channel studied in, multiple access, interference, broadcast, and wiretap channels. However, several key canonical problems have defied many efforts. This book brings together leading experts working in the fields of information theory, coding theory, multiple user communications, discrete mathematics, etc., who survey recent and general results on multiple-access channels (rate regions, rate splitting, etc.), and give an overview of the problems of current CDMA solutions (fading channels, multi-user detection, multiple-antenna systems, iterative joint decoding, OFDMA, etc.).
This publication consist of three parts. The first part includes chapters devoted to the information-theoretical aspects of multiple-access communication. In the second part, multiple-access techniques are discussed and the third part of this volume covers coding techniques.