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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-58603-967-7ISBN online

Military Bases: Historical Perspectives, Contemporary Challenges presents the results of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on ‘Political and social impact of military bases: Historical Perspectives, Contemporary Challenges’, an event that took place in Lisbon, December 2007. The ARW, a joint Portuguese-Ukrainian organization, was the final result of earlier collaboration between several researchers from different countries on the issue of military bases. The intention was to go beyond the traditional ‘international relations’ approach and discuss military bases from more than the aspect of their strategic value. This work is divided into three separate sections. The first of these deals with the Cold War period, the second section is about the political and social impact of military bases. The third and final section addresses the issue of military basing in the greater Black Sea area. In each of these sections, the issue of military bases is studied and analyzed from several different theoretical and methodological perspectives.