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Technology and the information revolution have changed the balance of power, both domestically and internationally, and are altering the dynamics of international relations. Technology has altered and corroded the State’s authority and strengthened nonstate actors, in particular transnational crime and terrorist organizations. The technological revolution, though positive in itself, is nonetheless successful in corrupting markets and weakening security. As has been said, cybercriminals and terrorists have already “crossed into the spectrum of information warfare”. This simply means that the same bases of sovereignty and state legitimacy are in jeopardy. The traditional paradigms of international relations are challenged. Postinternational global theories, such as the turbulence paradigm, are now trying to read with new lenses the new state of the world.
This publication, enriched by the contribution of so many experts coming from different countries and cultures will contribute to the solution of at least some of the problems and ‘invisible threats’ – corruption, trafficking in documents, high-tech crime and money laundering – that are challenging our societies and our security.