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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-61499-958-4ISBN online
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is used in healthcare and health science research in application domains such as clinical trials and the development of drug and medical devices, as well as in translational medicine, with the aim of improving prevention, diagnosis, and interventions in health and care.
This book presents accepted papers from the 2019 European Federation of Medical Informatics conference (EFMI STC 2019), held in Hanover, Germany, from 7–10 April 2019. More than 90 submissions were received, from which, after review, the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) accepted 50 full papers to be included in this volume of proceedings. In addition, 16 poster presentations were accepted. This year, ICT for Health Science Research was selected as the focus topic, and the conference also honors Prof. Peter Leo Reichertz (1930–1987), one of the founding fathers of ICT healthcare and an originator of the term Medical Informatics. The conference focuses on recent research & development supporting information systems in biomedical, translational and clinical research, as well as semantic interoperability across such systems for the purpose of data sharing and the analytics of cross-system integrated data. Papers are divided into 12 categories covering topics including digitization; data privacy; interoperability; data-driven decision support; mobile data capture; and ICT for clinical trials.
The book will be of interest to all healthcare researchers and practitioners whose work involves the use of ICT.
Abstracted / Indexed in