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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-61499-700-9ISBN online
Throughout the last decade, the Baltic states have played an active role in regional and international language technology activities, supporting less-resourced languages in the digital age.
This book presents the proceedings of the 7th International Conference: Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective (Baltic HLT 2016), held in Riga, Latvia, in October 2016. Baltic HLT 2016 provided a forum for sharing ideas and recent advances in human language processing with a special focus on less-resourced languages. Papers selected for the conference cover a wide range of topics, including a general overview of language technology progress in the Baltic states, actual research topics in written and spoken language processing, the creation of language resources and their applications, and proposals for a European language platform. The book is divided into five sections: overview; speech technologies and corpora; machine translation; written language resources; and methods and tools for language processing.
The book will be a useful resource, not only for Baltic language researchers, but also for those working with other less-resourced languages in Europe and beyond.
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