
Maeder, A.J.,
Mars, M.,
Scott, R.E.

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Open Access
This Book Contains A Subject Index


Although telehealth (one component of ehealth) continues to be implemented around the world, sound evidence of its value to healthcare systems remains limited and the tipping point at which its universal adoption will be assured has yet to be reached. On the other hand, the spontaneous growth of mobile healthcare solutions and applications offered by smart phones have become more common amongst healthcare providers, and the creation of Web-based wellness promotion and health management tools has opened up a whole new area in which telehealth can provide future benefits.

This book presents selected full papers from Global Telehealth 2014 (GT2014), held in Durban, South Africa, in November 2014. This was the third international conference in the series, and this year’s theme was "Integrated, Innovative, Scalable and Sustainable Solutions"; emphasizing the importance of these aspects in achieving wider acceptance and adoption of ehealth and telehealth.

The book will be of interest to all those involved in the global telehealth community.

Abstracted / Indexed in