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SoftcoverISBN print
978-1-61499-895-2ISBN online
Advances in digital and information technology have meant that medical informatics and its associated fields are of ever-increasing importance in the modern healthcare environment.
This book presents selected papers from the 63rd annual conference of the German Society of Medical Information Sciences, Biometry, and Epidemiology, GMDS 2018, held in Osnabrück, Germany, in September 2018. The society encompasses not only medical informatics, biometry and epidemiology, but also medical bioinformatics, systems biology and health data management. The title of this year’s conference is “The Learning Health System: Research Based, Innovative, Connecting”, and 38 full papers of the 164 oral presentations and 65 posters delivered at the conference are included here. A wide variety of scientific topics are covered, including standards to enable the interoperable interchange of information; metadata management; record linkage; IT issues for health care networks; interprofessional teaching and training; eHealth legislation; analysis of miRNAs and RNA-Seq data, among others.
The contributors are all specialists in their field, and this book disseminates some of the innovative ideas which are urgently needed to meet the challenges facing a constantly developing digital healthcare environment.
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