
Bush, S.S.,
Martin, T.A.

Publication date

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ISBN print




The purpose of Geriatric Neuropsychology is to provide a resource to practicing clinicians that incorporates recent research and information from neuropsychology and related disciplines deemed essential for clinical practice with older adults. Although this publication is devoted to geriatric neuropsychology, it is recognized that older adults are often presented with complex needs that require the services of various healthcare related disciplines. Accordingly, effort was made to provide practical information that may be of benefit to many of the disciplines that are called upon to provide services to this population. Similarly, because the healthcare needs of the aging population are an international concern, attempts were made to identify practice issues and recommendations that are germane to clinicians worldwide. A worldwide need for healthcare professionals skilled in serving older adults has been identified. Given the unique and varied needs typically encountered in geriatric practice, it is evident that a comprehensive approach to healthcare that employs an interdisciplinary treatment team is best suited to serve this population. Geriatric neuropsychologists play a significant role in providing essential services to older adults and their support systems. The aim of this work is to be a valuable resource that provides practical information to guide clinical practice and promote the application of effective and evidence-based rehabilitation services to older adults.