
Zouali, M.

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Autoimmunity is a condition that arises when the normal safeguards that maintain immunological tolerance are overridden. Autoimmune diseases involve degeneration and malfunction of normal tissue, and affect virtually every organ and tissue system in the body. They cause a variety of complex chronic conditions, resulting in high morbidity that may lead to mortality. Collectively, autoimmune disorders affect over 5% of the population. Research on autoimmunity has grown exponentially in the last few years and has many implications for our understanding of a number of diseases. In this book, leading scientists survey the recent progress made in our understanding of autoimmune diseases in a way that facilitates the development of new powerful strategies. It is a valuable addition to immunology textbooks which do integrate this topic. Providing the reader with a concise and coherent account of major advances in the field of autoimmune diseases, the book covers the latest discoveries and developments, and their significance in fundamental and clinical immunology. The introductory chapters will provide a sound basis for investigators and students new to this field, as they give detailed information on the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in autoimmune reactions.