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The strengthening, enhancement and expansion of ecological farming and rural development in Central and Eastern Europe is regarded as a long-term goal for the countries in the region, especially in a period of economic, political and systemic transition – a transition which would be inadequate to describe as occurring solely „within“ these countries themselves, since it is occurring, rather, within the larger context of European Union expansion and economic globalization. Solutions to the present problems faced in the agriculture sector that are environmentally and socio-economically desirable should be developed, not just in the present or in the immediate future but also in the long run. A challenge that needs to be faced is how to develop rural areas in a sustainable manner, as well as to produce and consume food in an ecological way. There are many processes that hamper developments in this direction. This book offers an analysis of such processes and considers how the elements of science and technology policy in agriculture, which are intertwined, may promote sustainable practices that reconcile agriculture and biodiversity. Important issues discussed are; How to increase the importance of ecological farming; The potential for ecological farming and healthy food production in developing CEE countries; and EU enlargement as a stimulus for ecological agriculture development in CEE countries.