
Chen, C.L.,
Rickenmann, D.

Publication date

# of pages




ISBN print






The papers cover a wide range of topics on debris flows, including the analysis of debris-flow occurrence, initiation, mechanics, rheology, deposition, field and laboratory observations and measurements, methods for hazards prediction and assessment as well as countermeasures thereof. The papers reflect the latest developments and advances in debris-flow research. Several studies discuss the development and application of simulation models for the initiation, propagation, and stopping processes of debris flows. Timely topics presented in the papers also include the development of new or innovative techniques for debris-flow monitoring, hazard alert systems and the assessment of watersheds with respect to debris-flow occurrence and hazard control. Many case studies illustrate a wide variety of debris-flow phenomena and their hazardous effects on human activities and settlement. In addition to peer-reviewed papers, the proceedings also include three invited lectures. A keynote lecture gives an overview on the application of a comprehensive scientific approach to the understanding of debris flows. Two special lectures discuss approaches to hazard mapping and risk management, which have been recently developed in Switzerland.