
Marchand, M.

Publication date

# of pages




ISBN print



Delft University Press



On February 1st 1953 a furious storm hit the coasts of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany and Denmark. Now, 50 years after the tragic events we commemorate the victims, and we look back in satisfaction that high standards of safety have been reached behind the dikes. But we also have to look into the future, that brings new challenges as sea level is rising and high river discharges are increasing. Again the flood risk issue is high on the political agenda. Dealing with flood risk remains an inextricable part of life.
This book presents the state-of-the-art in flood risk perception, modern flood management and its implementation in a post-modern world. The papers feature examples of new approaches to flood risk and management in western countries, like the UK, the Netherlands and Germany as well as in Bangladesh. Most importantly the book tries to answer questions like how technical aspects, socio-economic and cultural conditions should be taken into account in science and policy making? Which new methods and tools are needed? How can general concepts and ideas be implemented in a regional and local setting where one always works in someone's backyard?