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HardcoverISBN print
978-1-60750-048-3ISBN online
This book is concerned with behaviour monitoring and interpretation with regard to two main areas of focus: the investigation of motion patterns and ambient assisted living. It presents state-of-the-art contributions on research in both these areas.
The first section consists of chapters discussing recent developments in monitoring and representing behaviours, with a particular focus on movement-based behaviour. It includes: methods for monitoring and analysing pedestrian motion behaviours; typical motion patterns of single people and groups of people. In particular, a number of qualitative spatial representations are presented for describing patterns topologically and ordinally.
The next part of the volume is more application-driven. Several case studies present the monitoring and support of people with cognitive impairments in smart environments, showing in particular how AI techniques are applied in these contexts and also how ambient assisted physical activity systems help to increase the engagement of seniors in physical activities.
Investigations to show how monitored behaviours can be interpreted in smart environments are then described: a survey on knowledge-intensive methods for intention recognition; the detection of high-level daily activities by analysis of team behaviours in smart environments and a model for how ambient intelligence systems can automatically discover patterns of user behaviours.
Finally the publication discusses the infrastructure of smart environments.
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