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Applied mathematics, modeling and computer simulation are central to all scientific research, as well as to the modern technological processes, engineering, and applications which almost all of us depend upon in our daily lives.
This book contains the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computer Simulation (AMMCS 2024), held from 17 to 18 August 2024 in Wuhan, China, as a hybrid event. Serving as an open forum for all those involved in any aspect of applied mathematics, modeling or computer simulation, the AMMCS conferences provide the ideal platform for researchers, practitioners and academics to exchange the latest research results and stimulate scientific innovation. The conference received 300 submissions, and after a thorough peer review process, 93 papers were ultimately selected for presentation at the conference and publication here. This represents an acceptance rate of 31%. The book is divided into 7 sections: engineering applications and scientific computations; the simulation of intelligent systems; data mining and soft computing; intelligent computing and simulation technology; mathematical modeling and applications; modeling, simulation and the control of technological processes; and advanced engineering technologies and interdisciplinary sciences, and topics range from the theoretical and conceptual to the strongly pragmatic.
Sharing practical experiences and enlightening ideas, the book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners of applied mathematics, modeling and computer simulation everywhere.
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